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Preparing for the trip

When going abroad, remember that you may find yourself in an unfamiliar environment - in a country with a different climate, different standards of behavior in public places, requirements for appearance, unusual food, special working hours of organizations and institutions. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the features characteristic of the state you plan to visit. This will help you properly prepare for the trip, take the necessary things with you. It will not be superfluous to read reviews of other people about staying in a particular country, city or hotel.

Do not be too lazy to check documents (passport, visa, tickets, insurance, etc.) before leaving, make copies of them. Inform relatives or friends about your trip, leave them a copy of the tour package and passport. The phone numbers of the embassy and the nearest consular office of the Russian Federation in the intended country of residence may be useful.

We must not forget about the need to observe and respect local laws, traditions and customs. Some seemingly harmless actions, statements or even gestures in a given situation may be unacceptable in the country where you arrived, and subsequently overshadow or completely ruin the trip. Being abroad, as well as at home, never forget about reasonable caution and prudence.

Going to countries where natural emergencies are not uncommon (earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc.) or to countries with an unstable socio-political situation, you should study the rules of behavior in an extreme situation in advance.

Find out in advance about what to do if you lose your passport, in the event of a traffic accident, assault or theft, detention or arrest, and how to avoid becoming a victim of human trafficking.

Keep in mind that the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation abroad, according to the applications of Russian citizens, take the necessary measures to protect their rights and legitimate interests, but cannot protect them from all the troubles that occur during foreign travel.


Check in advance that all the necessary documents are prepared properly.

To travel from Russia abroad, you need to issue a foreign passport. Departure with an “internal” passport is possible only to Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Ukraine. Carefully check the correctness of all the information entered in the passport (last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, gender, date of issue and validity of the passport, information about children, including their photographs). Even minor errors in personal data can make it impossible to cross the border. The laws and regulations of many foreign countries stipulate that the validity of a passport must expire no earlier than six months after entering the country.

During your stay abroad, keep your passport in a safe place (for example, in a hotel safe), do not give it to anyone as collateral. If during the trip the passport is lost, it is necessary to apply to the Russian diplomatic mission or consular office for a certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation.

Tickets must be issued in the same name as on the passport. Check the correctness of the information indicated in them (dates, route). It is recommended to make several copies of tickets, passport pages (both foreign and domestic) with personal data and marks contained in it, driver's license, credit cards, tour package, invitations, insurance policy. Take photos of yourself and accompanying family members with you. They will come in handy, for example, in case of loss of a passport. Store copies of documents separately from their originals.

Find out in advance if a visa is required for your destination country. For detailed information on the procedure for obtaining a visa, we recommend that you contact the diplomatic missions or consular offices of the relevant foreign states. If you are transiting through the territory of other states, then check whether a transit visa is required for such a trip.

Pay special attention to the registration of medical insurance. Having a health insurance policy valid for the entire period of stay abroad is a prerequisite for Russian citizens to obtain visas and enter the territory of a number of foreign states (for example, the Schengen countries). To enter some countries, even within the framework of a visa-free regime (for example, Israel), you also need an insurance policy.

It is recommended to take out health insurance in any case, even if it is not required for obtaining a visa or entering the country. Lack of insurance can result in large expenses in the event of an insured event. When applying for an insurance policy, find out in detail what medical services you are required to provide in the host country in the event of an insured event, and what is the procedure for obtaining and paying for them (sometimes you need to pay for a visit to the doctor yourself, then on the basis of checks and receipts, the money spent is returned through the insurance company ).

Keep in mind that a cheap policy may not provide sufficient coverage for repatriation. Remember that insurance companies most often do not recognize injuries caused by alcohol intoxication or extreme sports, chronic diseases as an insured event. In such cases, you will have to cover the financial costs of treatment and return to your homeland on your own.

Please note that the possibilities of Russian diplomatic missions and consular offices to provide assistance in the event of an insured event are extremely limited. In accordance with the current legislation, they are vested with the following powers:

- upon the occurrence of an insured event, at the request of the injured citizen of the Russian Federation, their relatives and the relevant insurance organization are informed about the incident through the Russian Foreign Ministry;

- when drawing up the documents required by the insurance organization, an official of the Russian foreign institution, at the request of the injured citizen or his relatives, enters as their representative into relations with the authorized insurance organizations in the host country and other persons related to the onset or liquidation of the consequences of the insured event;

- at the written request of the insurance company, the Russian foreign agency will demand in the host country, in accordance with its legislation, the necessary medical and other documents that serve to protect the interests of a citizen of the Russian Federation who has suffered on the territory of a foreign state.

Regional features

When deciding to go to a foreign country, remember that the socio-political situation, climatic conditions, laws and customs, and behavioral patterns that exist in it may not coincide with your ideas about the conditions for an ideal vacation.

In many countries, smoking is severely restricted in public places, restaurants and bars, and there is a high fine for throwing any garbage in places not intended for this.

In a hot climate, conducive to the emergence of dangerous infectious diseases, it is necessary to strictly observe sanitary and hygienic precautions. It is highly recommended to wash fruits and vegetables with antiseptic soap, drink water, milk and juice from factory sealed bottles. Unboiled water and freshly squeezed juices can pose a danger to your health; vegetable and fruit salads; ice cream; confectionery with fruit filling; food ice.

It should be borne in mind that in many Muslim countries, the norms of behavior are determined by Sharia law, which strictly regulates the relationship between men and women and prohibits the use of alcohol. Do not forget about the need to refrain from eating in public places during daylight hours during Ramadan (the month of fasting). Take a "strict" wardrobe with you on a trip (for example, in Iran, women must appear in all public places in a headscarf, in a number of states they are forbidden to appear in public in open clothes).

Russian citizens abroad should respect the way of life of the local population, be patient, do not be rude, do not raise their voices, do not show arrogance and disdain for the local culture, and do not allow insulting statements towards the leaders of the host country.

How to avoid unwanted incidents

When packing your bags for a trip, keep in mind that many things may be prohibited for air transportation, and there are special rules for hand luggage, which are best checked with the airline in advance. Don't lose your check-in baggage tickets, you will need them if you lose them.

Keep in mind that when crossing the border, you will encounter a number of formalities at the border and customs control. Don't forget to complete the customs declaration if necessary. The most common violations of customs rules are non-compliance with the ban (or quantitative restrictions) on the import and export of goods, unreliable or incomplete declaration of things transported across the border. Such violations may result in a fine, confiscation of goods or other sanctions.

When crossing the border, one should refrain from fulfilling the requests of random people to carry other people's things through the inspection points under the pretext of overweight luggage, etc., and also not to accept (including for a fee) letters, parcels, luggage, etc. from strangers for subsequent transfer items that can be used as hiding places for the illegal movement of narcotic drugs, explosive devices, poisonous substances and pathogens of dangerous diseases.

Upon arrival at the hotel, special attention should be paid to the internal rules of residence and fire safety rules. Examine the location of entrances and exits, elevators, stairs. It is not recommended to leave documents, money and valuables in a hotel room, it is safer to store them in a safe. It is advisable to always have a business card of the hotel with you.

When visiting large shopping centers or crowded places, take precautions and keep personal belongings and documents safe. Organize cash in different pockets. In stores, the selected product should be kept in a shopping basket or trolley until payment, and sales receipts are recommended to be kept until arrival at the place of residence (there are facts of checking buyers after they leave shopping malls).

When walking, choose crowded places, take a map of the city with you. If someone nearby starts behaving provocatively or commits hooligan actions, you should leave this place. Refrain from taking alcoholic, soft drinks and cigarettes offered by strangers. Their purpose may be to commit illegal acts.

If you have rented a car, carefully check the availability and correctness of all documents, especially insurance, so that in the event of an accident you will not incur large expenses for damages. When traveling by car, do not forget to take a map of the area. Take note of your vehicle number. Lock doors and open windows only partially if necessary. When leaving the car, even for a short time, lock it. On multi-lane highways, it is better to stay closer to the center of the road. It is not recommended to give a ride to strangers, especially in the immediate vicinity of customs and border checkpoints.

Registration at a consular office

We recommend that citizens planning to travel outside the Russian Federation, regardless of the purpose and duration of their stay abroad, register with a diplomatic mission or consular office.

Registration of Russian citizens in a foreign institution is a voluntary procedure and consists in recording by consular officials the contact details provided by citizens, which, in accordance with the law, are used to ensure the rights, interests and security of the citizens themselves. In particular, in the event of an emergency situation in a foreign country, information about the place of residence of a citizen, even for a short time, about the methods of emergency communication with him or his relatives can be of decisive importance.

If the passport is lost

If you lose your passport outside the Russian Federation, you must immediately contact the Russian diplomatic mission or consular office in the host state to obtain a certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation. If the Russian foreign mission is located far from your location, we recommend that you first contact its employees by phone and get additional clarifications regarding the required documents.

To obtain a certificate, you must submit:

- an application for issuance of a certificate (the form can be obtained from a Russian foreign office);

- two photographs (size 35 x 45 mm);

- an internal passport (if available) or written statements of at least two citizens of the Russian Federation confirming the identity of the applicant and his Russian citizenship (certified by the foreign institution).

In order to confirm his identity, the applicant may also submit other documents: a driver's license, an official identification card with a photograph, etc. In this case, the foreign office conducts an additional verification of information about the applicant.

Actions in case of a traffic accident, assault or theft, detention by law enforcement agencies

Often accidents with Russian citizens abroad are associated with the use of vehicles. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise increased attention both in the case of driving a car and in choosing the transport provided for the transport of tourists. In the event of a traffic accident, you must first of all call an ambulance (if someone is injured and require medical assistance), wait for the police (traffic police). It is recommended to insist on drawing up a protocol at the scene. Sometimes additional investigation is required to determine the cause of the accident and the degree of fault of each party.

If a theft or attack has been committed against you, first of all, you need to report the incident to law enforcement agencies for possible disclosure of the crime in hot pursuit and investigation. It is necessary to draw up a report, in case of theft - indicating the list of missing items and their approximate cost. It is also recommended to report the incident to the group escort, if any, or to a representative of the travel company.

In the event of detention or arrest , do not resist, as this may aggravate the situation and provoke law enforcement officers to use physical force or even weapons. It is not recommended to speak with representatives of law enforcement agencies, as well as to sign any protocols and other documents in a foreign language in the absence of an interpreter or a lawyer, since such testimony, under the laws of a number of countries, can be the basis for a charge of committing a crime.

You have the right to demand that you be given the opportunity to contact the nearest Russian diplomatic mission or consular office or send him a written notification of the fact of the incident. The specific assistance of Russian consular institutions may include assistance in establishing contacts with relatives or friends of the detainee, monitoring compliance with procedural norms, including in terms of their compliance with local and international law, finding lawyers, clarifying all the circumstances of the case.

Recommendations for actions in emergency situations

If you find yourself in an emergency zone (terrorist attack, natural disaster), if possible, immediately inform the embassy or consulate of the Russian Federation about yourself, your relatives, acquaintances. If you do not know the phone numbers of the Russian consulate in this region, we recommend that you inform a travel agency representative or relatives about yourself.

If you are taken hostage or kidnapped, you should not resist. It is recommended to follow the initial orders of the terrorists. They can turn out to be people with an unstable psyche and behave unpredictably. If you feel unwell, you should try to ask to call a doctor or bring the necessary medicines. Try to establish at least some contact with the terrorists. If possible, note for yourself what they look like, what their habits are, how the kidnappers talk and who they communicate with. All movements should also be memorized, including time in motion, direction, distance traveled, speed, any landmarks along the road, signs and sounds such as bells, voices, construction noise, railway, tram, etc. The desire to "please" is often misunderstood by terrorists and makes it difficult to rescue victims. If the terrorists force the hostage to make a written or oral (audio- or video-recorded) appeal to the authorities outlining their demands, this can only be done in the form and volume on which the kidnappers insist. At the same time, one should avoid one's own statements and assessments, since this may aggravate the situation of the captured.

When conducting a special operation to free a hostage, it is recommended to lie on the floor, do not move until the appropriate instructions are received from the special forces; under no circumstances try to help the special forces in their release; proceed from the fact that the special forces will treat the hostage as a possible terrorist until his identity is established; remain law-abiding and tolerant of the actions of the special forces, even if during the operation the hostage will be subjected to physical measures (for example, handcuffed or hands tied). Immediately after release, it is advisable not to give comments to the media until a conversation is held with the official Russian representative, and appropriate recommendations are received from him.

One of the most devastating natural disasters is an earthquake. The most dangerous places are located near the so-called. world earthquake belts, which are located on the Pacific coast of North and South America; on the east coast of Japan; in the central part of the Pacific Ocean; along the southern edge of the Himalayas; in the countries of the Caribbean region; in New Zealand; in Greece, Turkey, Italy, the Mediterranean and the Central Atlantic. Most accidents result from the collapse of buildings and other objects. Earthquakes can trigger landslides and giant tsunamis (seismic sea waves) that can cause massive damage.

The initial moment of an earthquake can be felt in different ways. Sometimes, before an earthquake, a glow appears above the hills, there may be disturbances in the operation of radio, television, electronic devices, spontaneous glow of fluorescent lamps. Sometimes, a few seconds before an earthquake, a strong growing rumble occurs underground, after which the first shock occurs. In other cases, just before the shock, weaker vibrations may occur, in which the dishes begin to rattle, suspended objects sway. Then the first shock occurs, which can last from a few seconds to 1-1.5 minutes.

During an earthquake, one should not run out of the building, as falling debris and collapsing walls are the main cause of many casualties. It is necessary to wait until the end of the earthquake, after which you can leave the building. Never try to get out of the building using the elevator, which can get stuck or fall into the shaft. Interior doorways and corners of rooms can be safe places. You need to move further away from windows and external walls, as well as bulky furniture. If the building is low and not earthquake-resistant, for example, a brick house, and it is possible to immediately leave it, then in this case it is necessary to carefully and quickly leave the building and run away from it to a safe distance. Do not approach power lines. If you are in a car, you must stop as far as possible from tall buildings and other structures and do not move until the earthquake stops.

After an earthquake, try to act as follows. If an earthquake occurs at night, it is better to use an electric flashlight instead of matches or a lighter. If this is not possible, then before using matches or lighters, make sure that there is no smell of gas, gasoline and other flammable and explosive substances. Otherwise, an explosion or fire may occur. It is recommended to turn off the gas, water and turn off the electricity. If there are minor fires, try to localize them on your own. If it is impossible to put out the fire on your own, children and injured people should be taken out of the fire zone to a safe place. Do not touch bare wires and metal and wet objects in contact with them. If you find spilled or spilled explosive and toxic substances, you should warn others about them. If possible, turn on the radio to receive information about the extent of the disaster, the measures being taken to eliminate its consequences.

How not to become a victim of human trafficking

According to international experts, every year thousands of citizens of the CIS countries, as well as Central and Eastern Europe, traveling abroad for various purposes, are either involved in illegal labor activities by fraudulent means, or are kidnapped and subjected to various forms of exploitation. Criminal groups typically use shell companies to find potential victims, most commonly through newspaper job advertisements. They may hide under the guise of legitimate organizations: fashion agencies, travel agencies, job centers, international dating services, and so on.

When looking for work abroad, do not accept offers of illegal part-time work. If you work illegally, you will not be able to receive a decent wage, realize the required social guarantees (for example, medical care if necessary) and become completely dependent on your employer. Carefully study the offer of the employer and check the correctness of the paperwork for the job.

Before you sign a contract, make sure all the points are clear. If in doubt, seek independent legal advice. When leaving for employment, make sure that the type of visa you have provides for the possibility of employment. In the vast majority of cases, a visa for temporary stay of foreigners does not give the right to work. It should be emphasized that, as a rule, a work permit must be issued before departure, by contacting the consular office of the relevant state. You should not trust promises that you can enter the country on a tourist visa, and all the necessary formalities will be settled upon arrival in the country. If you work without proper documentation, such as a work permit, this will be a violation of the laws of the host country, for which you can be fined, deported from the country and denied entry for a long time.

Russian citizens traveling abroad to marry and/or live with a foreign spouse are advised to familiarize themselves in advance with the peculiarities of the legal status of foreigners in the host state. It should be borne in mind that in some states the rights and obligations of foreign spouses are regulated by legislation differently from Russian law. Particular attention should be paid to the legal status of children born in marriages with foreigners, including the procedure for acquiring Russian citizenship by them, as well as how local legislation defines the rights of parents and children in the event of a divorce.

During your stay abroad, in no case do not give your passport to the employer or the person with whom you intend to marry. Criminals can use your documents to blackmail you and restrict your freedom of movement. Take cash to cover your travel expenses when you return home, or purchase a round trip ticket. Inform family and friends of the date of departure and leave your address and phone number abroad. Upon arrival, contact your loved ones in Russia and, if possible, continue to maintain regular contact with them by mail, telephone or via the Internet.

Powers of Russian foreign missions

When applying to a Russian foreign institution, one should keep in mind that its powers are strictly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the host country, as well as international agreements. Far from all the problems that arise for Russian citizens abroad, the consul can solve.

For example, if you are not satisfied with the hotel service, it makes no sense to call the consulate with a complaint, since it is not its function to consider such issues. If during the stay abroad the passport is lost, then it is the Russian foreign institution that will help in issuing a temporary identity document - a certificate of entry (return) to the Russian Federation.

In some situations, for example, in litigation carried out by the competent authorities of a foreign state, to a much greater extent than consular assistance, the assistance of a qualified lawyer will be required, and the consul can help you in choosing one.

With regard to citizens staying abroad, diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation may perform the following consular actions:

- inform about the laws and customs of the host country, the peculiarities of the legal status of foreigners; to recommend where to go for additional information on issues of interest to you;

- carry out voluntary registration of Russian citizens who are abroad;

- take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of Russian citizens in emergency situations;

- perform notarial acts;

- issue a foreign passport and a certificate for entry (return) to the Russian Federation);

- register acts of civil status (in cases stipulated by Russian legislation, laws of the host country and international treaties of the Russian Federation);

- issue Russian visas for foreign citizens and stateless persons);

- consider issues of citizenship in relation to Russian citizens living abroad;

- carry out consular legalization of foreign official documents intended for use in Russia;

- request documents relating to the rights and interests of citizens;

- take measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation over whom it is required to establish guardianship or guardianship;

- take measures in the field of sanitary, phytosanitary and veterinary protection;

- take measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens of the Russian Federation who are under arrest, imprisoned, taken into custody or detained (at their request);

- immediately apply to the competent authorities of the receiving state for assistance in the search for missing citizens of the Russian Federation;

- assist Russian citizens in exercising their electoral rights during elections to federal government bodies and the right to participate in a referendum of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the current legislation, Russian foreign missions cannot perform the following actions:

- pay expenses for the services of doctors, lawyers, hotel accommodation, etc.;

- provide services for booking places in a hotel and on vehicles;

- lend money;

- issue a residence permit for Russian citizens or extend a visa in the host country, obtain visas for them to third countries.

It should also be remembered that consular fees are charged for consular activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Assistance in returning to the Russian Federation to citizens who find themselves in a foreign state without means of subsistence

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 370 dated May 31, 2010, Russian foreign missions can provide assistance in returning to Russia to citizens of the Russian Federation who find themselves on the territory of a foreign state without means of subsistence, that is, in exceptional cases. Exceptional cases are understood as situations in which the return of citizens to Russia will help eliminate the immediate threat to their lives.

The decision to provide assistance is made by a commission that operates on a permanent basis in each foreign institution. Assistance is provided free of charge. It is allocated only in the form of payment for the cost of hotel accommodation, the purchase of tickets, food and essentials in accordance with established standards. Providing assistance in the form of transferring cash to a Russian citizen is not allowed.


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